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    ForLab SmartBeam

    A project at the University of Duisburg-Essen

    New concepts for THz components

    Signals in the terahertz range can be used in many different ways. They are used for extremely broadband wireless information transmission, but also for material recognition and analysis, for high-precision radar measurement and for imaging in medicine and security technology. However, the broad industrial and commercial use of terahertz applications has not yet been possible because cost-effective and powerful THz components are not yet available.

    The Duisburg-Essen Microelectronics Research Laboratory for High Frequency Beamforming is working to put an end to this unsatisfactory situation. The scientists led by Professors Dr. Nils Weimann and Dr. Andreas Stöhr at the Center for Semiconductor Technology and Optoelectronics (ZHO) at the University of Duisburg-Essen want to develop efficient sources and receivers in the terahertz range.

    The ForLab SmartBeam enables research into complex electronic and photonic chips. For example, more powerful components are to improve environment monitoring for autonomous cars. High-resolution sensor technology is to be combined with information processing for precise and reliable environment recognition. This has enormous significance for the economy: autonomous systems such as vehicles or robots open up completely new opportunities for Germany as a production location.

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