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    ForLab PICT2DES

    A project at the Ruhr University Bochum

    Innovative processes for 2D electronics

    The use of ultra-thin, two-dimensional materials in electronics and sensor technology enables completely new types of transparent, flexible and biocompatible solutions while minimising resource consumption. However, the technology for this promising area of microelectronics has not yet reached the level of maturity required for industrial applications. The Bochum Microelectronics Research Laboratory for 2D Electronics aims to change this. Prof Dr.-Ing. Martin Hoffmann at the Ruhr University Bochum are working on establishing a stable process that integrates additive and subtractive technologies with high yields at wafer level, which will allow a transfer to industry.

    They are focussing on the entire process chain – from the raw materials, known as precursors, to the high-precision production of ultra-thin layers using atomic layer deposition and structuring with novel selective and low-damage plasma etching processes for the defined exposure of individual ultra-thin layers.

    The project will develop an innovative, monolayer deposition and etching technology at low temperatures for the production of cost-effective, flexible microelectronics and ultrasensitive microsensor technology and implement it in a 200 mm cluster system on substrates that are compatible with the Research Fab Microelectronics Germany and industrial users.

    The aim is to develop innovative, particularly resource-efficient electronic systems based on 2D integration. These include flexible microelectronics, highly sensitive sensors and microfluidic systems for medical technology and energy conversion as well as autonomous sensor arrays.

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